Friday, January 27, 2006
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Our milestone for USA Team Rally

The following is our Road Map towards World Champion
1. Redesign Props - by end March
2. Costume concepts - by end May
3. Music re-arrangement - by end May
4. Find well equiped hall with good lighting system - end June
5. Monthly practise for full scenes - Every Month
6. Weekly full dress practise Sept, Oct, Nov 2006
Why we want to be World Champion :
1. " Better bonus "
2. " To prove that we can! Other countries will respect Malaysia team once we become champion"
3. "To be in Malaysia Books of Records", then boleh salam dengan Pak Lah
4. "To prove again to some who think we won last time because we are the host country"
5. "To make my resume looks good" heh heh