Happy New Year 2007. So we made it last year

It took some time for the excitement to fade. We had celebration lunch on Dec 13th, which was also a Farewell lunch for Aaron who decided to leave us. Our guests were Mr Goh and En Ibrahim. En Ibrahim expressed his proud that we took his challenge to win the title, and that we got through the difficult stage (like lost props) with our own solutions.
It was also a launching day for our USA Trip VCD. Thanks to Fieza, who worked hard with her partner Faizal and his brother Fadzil.
Mr Goh's New Year message below :
Hi everyone,
Welcome back and Happy New Year! I hope you had a well deserved break with your families and are fully recharged. As we now move into 2007, let us decipher what lies ahead and what we need to achieve as a team.
I am very confident with our team's capabilities. We have turned around tough situations before and we have proven that we can be world champions.
We have the right people and we know the recipe. Teamwork and focus will be key. We shall be progressive and responsive to the ever challenging business environment.
Thank you and best regards,