Oct 13th - Team Rally 2007 went to Europe
Congratulations to Team Rally 2007..."Pirates of the NC Cutter". The stage show was on NC Cutter Improvement which won Merit Award in 2nd Qtr 2008 . (top most picture)
The team was invited to showcase their performance at the European Team Rally 2008 held at Chez Republic from 18th to 19th Oct 2008.
They left for Amsterdam on Monday 13th Oct 2007. At KLIA they had unexpected incident where their props cartons were too oversized and not allowed to be put in the cabin. "The pirates" were resilient enough to spend quick 15 minutes to made their carton smaller. Finally, unfortunately, the pilars for backdrop were still oversized. They were not allowed to be checked in as hand carry baggage.
Anyway they presented well on the big day and had fun travelling.
Mr RC (in red batik shirt) accompanied them, and flew a day later to Europe.
For the Europe Team Rally 2008 - the winner was a team from UK.
Winner from this event and other regional events would participate in the Global Finals 08/09 at Orlando !