Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Famous audio during USA Team Rally

Chicken Dance was played in between presentation or while waiting
for next team set up.
And the organizers were on stage to lead some fun steps
and TR participants would moves following the steps.

Another two more commonly played - That's What I Like About You..and That's The Way I Like It !
Normally participants formed long queue and moves
like a long train around the ballroom !

Saturday, November 15, 2008

2nd Anniversary Celebration

World Champion team had a reunion !
Date : 15th Nov 08 .
Venue : Secret Recipe Restaurant, Subang Parade. In short notice, we invited Mr Goh and En Ibrahim.
To our surprise, Mr Goh turned up wearing the beige Team Rally 2005 T-Shirt ! Many members were accompanied with their family members.
Besides the good food, we had fabulous time exchanging latest stories and personal. Meriah.
Hope the team will meet again for 3rd Anniversary.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Happy 2nd Anniversary to World Champion Team

It has been 2 years. Some of us have embarked on our own direction. Some of us are still facing the challenges at Johnson Controls.
Hope the spirits of winning are still alive.

Key dates :
The team left for USA 7/11/06.
Had rehearsal and Welcome Dinner on 11/11/06. Met Mickey !
The victorious moments was on evening of 12/11/06.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Oct 13th - Team Rally 2007 went to Europe

Congratulations to Team Rally 2007..."Pirates of the NC Cutter". The stage show was on NC Cutter Improvement which won Merit Award in 2nd Qtr 2008 . (top most picture)
The team was invited to showcase their performance at the European Team Rally 2008 held at Chez Republic from 18th to 19th Oct 2008.
They left for Amsterdam on Monday 13th Oct 2007. At KLIA they had unexpected incident where their props cartons were too oversized and not allowed to be put in the cabin. "The pirates" were resilient enough to spend quick 15 minutes to made their carton smaller. Finally, unfortunately, the pilars for backdrop were still oversized. They were not allowed to be checked in as hand carry baggage.
Anyway they presented well on the big day and had fun travelling.
Mr RC (in red batik shirt) accompanied them, and flew a day later to Europe.

For the Europe Team Rally 2008 - the winner was a team from UK.
Winner from this event and other regional events would participate in the Global Finals 08/09 at Orlando !

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Well, we have visitors everyday

Picture shows summary of visitors. Pretty good traffic , hah.

Thanks for dropping by, everyone.
Please enjoy reading the journey of our team to be World Champion, and then still carrying the spirit till one by one left the plant.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Team Rally 2008 at Bangkok

Team Rally 2008 went off in morning of Monday 18th August to Bangkok. That is for SEA and India region championship. Top 3 winners would be selected to join the Final Asia Team Rally to be held in Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA in Nov 2008.

Title of presentation : Toyota VIOS Head Lining Cost Down. Presentation style is silent movie, straight forward character like WRM Project in 2005/2006.

Their Chef De Mission was Sharol Nizam the HSEE Manager. The MD, Mr RC (successor of Mr Goh) was one of the jury ! This team results is a reflection of Mr RC's support and leadership achievement in his era .
Results : Well done to the team. They won People's Choice Award - BEST CHEER TEAM and BEST TEAM PERFORMANCE.

They worked hard and had improved a lot. Luck was not on the team's side. Top 3 team selected to the Final was Thailand, Vietnam and India.

"What you get by reaching your destination is not nearly as important as what you will become by reaching your destination"

Monday, August 18, 2008

Only Five Left

Those at the perimeter of photos have left the company.
Only 5 left.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Guess what ? Jamal is leaving Johnson Controls Malaysia !

Jamal has decided to leave too. It seems the grass is always greener on the other side of the world.

Jamal is instrumental in creating excitement during Team Rally event. In USA Team Rally he was the one successfully spreading the tag line "MALAYSIA BOLEH" to the rest of the teams. Even a small kid was able to say Malaysia Boleh.
In the WRM project presentation, Jamal's most prominent role was being the test "dummy". The testing scene was the climax of the show. In Sunway (AP Team Rally) it cracked laughter and triggered applause. In Disneyland show (Global Finals 2006) the scene was impactful too.
Oohh, another significant role from Jamal was being the "OPTION 1" character during design selection stage of WRM seat. Jamal's own-made prop was the wooden fishbone that the team brought to USA. It has screws all over !
Jamal will be leaving the plant to advance himself into an executive role at one of the local rubber-component manufacturers.
Good Luck Jamal.
You have proven that when there's a will, there's a way.
Di mana ada kemahuan, di situ ada jalan.

Friday, May 30, 2008

USA Team Rally's (2006) Music Producer is leaving

Hafizan has decided to leave Johnson Controls Malaysia for better career growth at our National Car Maker.
His last day will be mid June 2008.

Hafizan contributed significantly in developing story line, music arrangement (from scratch) and alignment of music into slides sequence.
Recall that, at first the team didn't have our own lap top, he had to borrow laptop from others daily after 5.30pm and during weekends. During all practice sessions and rehearsals in canteen, he was in-charge to set up computer and audio systems .

Hafizan played the role of JCI Boss in the WRM seat Project presentation.
He is also the one who reconstructed a cookie/biscuit container into "Disneyland Fund" coin box !
Work-wise, Hafizan is in R&D. He had been crucial in designing seats and other interiors products, customers complaint trouble shooting and technical advises to operations. If there's a car in front of the lobby for technical check, then Hafizan is there too.
Personal-life-wise, while surviving Team Rally days, he got married to his charming partner and they were blessed with a son in mid 2007.

All the best, Hafizan !
You are no. 6 in the team to spread your wings.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

A review : Secrets of Successful Teams

Another spirit uplifting video. Please enjoy the clip and go deeper into the meaning.

______from _______
Here are some principles, when implemented on a regular basis, can turn any lackluster team into an outstanding one!

The leader needs to communicate the vision. If they are setting the pace, they need to let people know where they are going so that the team can follow.
The leader communicates the vision frequently, so as to always be updating the team as to where they are at and what changes need to be made.


Watch a good basketball team. They are talking to each other all of the time. Helping one another out, encouraging one another, praising one another, and telling each other how they can make changes so the same mistakes aren't made again.

A successful team cannot have members who are not committed to excellence because in the end they will become the weak link.

The secret to getting things done lies not only in great leadership, but in how well the rest of the people, 99% of the team, follows the leadership. Good teams are filled with people who are committed to following and getting the job done.

Understanding Roles
Every team works best when the members of the team have clearly defined and understood roles. Some do one thing, others do another. One isn't better or more important than the other, just different. When teams operate out of their strengths and their roles, they win.

Strengths and Weaknesses
The successful teams are those who on a regular and consistent basis enable the members to operate out of their strengths and not out of their weaknesses. And what is one person's strengths will cover another's weakness. This is teamwork, enabling all of the bases to be covered.

The team that plays together stays together. Get your team out of the office once a month and go have some fun. Enjoy one another. Enjoy life. It will bring a sense of bonding that can't be made even in "winning."

Common Goals and Vision
Short, simple and clear. Does the team all know what they are working together for?

All through the "game," successful teams appreciate one another and show it in a variety of ways.

Here is a "Successful Teams" Checklist .
* Is there communication between coach and players and from player to player?

* Is your team committed to excellence?
* Do those on the team know what it means to follow?
* Does everyone on my team know their specific role?
* Do the individuals on our team regularly operate out of their strengths as opposed to their weaknesses?
* Does our team take a break from time to time to just have fun together?
* Do we understand our common goals and vision? Can we all state it (them)?
* Is there a sense of and communication of genuine appreciation among my team?

Monday, March 31, 2008

Video : Standing In The Eyes of the World

This patriotic video tells the story of hardships to become champion. It used to motivate Team Rally USA (2006) Global Finals team.
We need good smooth signal to view it smoothly !
Enjoy it !

Friday, March 14, 2008

Mr Goh left Johnson Controls Malaysia -14th March 2008

Mr Goh , one of greatest supporters of Team Rally and improvement initiatives left the organization. We wish him well.
Pictures are all Team Rally teams during Mr Goh's leadership terms.
Below our team farewell messages :
Friday, March 14, 2008 6:39:59 PM

Subject: RE: Selamat Maju Jaya dan Jutaan Terima Kasih dari Team Rally Team 2006

Thank you for the kind messages.

The team's achievement ranks as one of the greatest memories for me.
Please help your adik-adik in next year's event and continue to bring glory to the company and your personal lives.

Do keep in touch.
Please also convey my appreciation to those not connected via email.

Thank you and best regards,
14/03/2008 03:54 PM

RE: Selamat Maju Jaya dan Jutaan Terima Kasih dari Team Rally Team 2006

Dear Mr Goh,
I take this opportunity to thank you for your support and effort in building up or Team Rally 06 from 0 to 100.
It was a great and fun experience which we learn a lot towards our future development.

Thanks again from the bottom of my heart.
May god bless us everyday.
*********************************************** From: ____
Friday, March 14, 2008 3:35 PM

To: __

Subject: Selamat Maju Jaya dan Jutaan Terima Kasih dari Team Rally Team 2006

Hi Mr Goh ,

Saya wakil daripada Team Rally 2006 ingin mengucapkan selamat maju jaya kepada Mr Goh. Mr Goh banyak memberi inspirasi kepada kami terutama masa kami (Team Rally 2006) menjadi juara dunia 2006.
Banyak jasa, pengalaman dan pengajaran yang kami semua belajar selama Mr Goh berkhidmat di sini.
Saya tak pandai nak menulis panjang-panjang. Jadi akhir sekali semoga Mr Goh lebih cemerlang untuk masa-masa hadapan.

Terima kasih.
"Life is about making choices"

Friday, February 01, 2008

Jamilah left JC Malaysia - 31st Jan. 2008

30th Jan 08 : Jamilah left JCMalaysia to pursue her own dreams.
No doubt leading Team Rally to win the World Champion title is the most personally challenging experience in Johnson Controls.
However that is possible with the supports from top two believers in Malaysia's Team Rally's capability - as pictured in this entry.
Good bye and thanks to every one for all of the support, time and sacrifices.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Malaysia team in Shanghai - We did it again !

Team Rally '07 was held in Shanghai with "Olympics" theme. Through much patience facing the sceptics and lots of sacrifices , The Malaysian team won the Overall Winner Title and will join the Global Finals in Europe in 4Q 2008. They performed on NC Cutter Efficiency Improvement. Congratulations !

Same formula was applied : work on the content - especially Best Practices Sharing and CI tools, score card compliance, practise, practise, practise, rehearse to management, rehearse to employees, full time commitment in the last 3 weeks, be open-minded and respond to critics.

Surprisingly pictures of previous winners were on display at the ballroom.(first 2 pix from bottom)

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Globals Finals video received 1st March '07

Karen sent us USA Team Rally video. We had dinner at Secret Recipe, SACC on March 14th to watch it.

You know..we were in anxious to watch "that part". But it turn out to be OK and look like planned.

Aaron, who left us for better $$ elsewhere, also joined the dinner.
Kak Nor who had left us much earlier joined the dinner too.

On that day the company was in difficult situation where everyone had to roll up their sleeves to do production jobs. That was due to sudden increase in customers delivery requirement. So everyone came with BIG appetite.

Ex-JCM members were invited too. We had Klerene (ex CI) and Yasin (ex-JCAS) watched our video too. pix taken....too busy talking

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

..and the boss going to leave us...

Early March 2007 :
It's a regret and a great loss for the team and the company that En. Ibrahim, our strongest supporter, decided to leave.
We thank him for his strong belief in us and his kindness.

He believed we have the right materials to win when we ourselves almost lost our energy building up team work and completing mountains of tasks.

He helped fought for us to have own laptop, he criticized every rehearsals, and was the first to call us personally to congratulate us when we won.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Happy New Year 2007. So we made it last year

It took some time for the excitement to fade. We had celebration lunch on Dec 13th, which was also a Farewell lunch for Aaron who decided to leave us. Our guests were Mr Goh and En Ibrahim. En Ibrahim expressed his proud that we took his challenge to win the title, and that we got through the difficult stage (like lost props) with our own solutions.

It was also a launching day for our USA Trip VCD. Thanks to Fieza, who worked hard with her partner Faizal and his brother Fadzil.

Mr Goh's New Year message below :

Hi everyone,
Welcome back and Happy New Year! I hope you had a well deserved break with your families and are fully recharged. As we now move into 2007, let us decipher what lies ahead and what we need to achieve as a team.


I am very confident with our team's capabilities. We have turned around tough situations before and we have proven that we can be world champions.
We have the right people and we know the recipe. Teamwork and focus will be key. We shall be progressive and responsive to the ever challenging business environment.

Thank you and best regards,

Monday, December 25, 2006

Divert a little from TR - The motivators...

End of Dec 2006
Met 2 Malaysian high achievers from whom high-spirits were "borrowed".
Anyone who hasn't led Team Rally in Malaysia plant, would not know the hardships and mountains of spirits neded to lead TR on top of daily work.

"DSN", Malaysia's most-Googgled personality who started from scratches and hardships.
And "DSM", Malaysia first astronaut who's in space in Sept '07 to mark Malaysia 50th year of Independence.

"Believe in Your Self " - that was the astronaut's advise.
He believes strongly in mental toughness, as written in top pix. Also, he's good in time management !

For DSN, the principle is "
Will never die due to critics, will never live just by praises".

Monday, November 27, 2006

Team Pictures , 12 Nov 2006

The first 2 photos really describe our feelings that day.

Special moments were working with and getting to know all Global Finals Planning Team (2nd last). They made the event very memorable. We had great great fun time during the event.
Many of us like the "Chicken Dance" ..and "What I like about you" ..:-)